1. Corgi means “dwarf dog”

2. Legend has it, they are “enchanted” dogs

3. An Interesting Heritage
Pems and Cardis don’t share a common ancestor and come from different sections of Wales. The two breeds also have completely different origins, with the Cardigan, one of the oldest breeds in the British Isles, being older by over two thousand years. Their ancestors were brought to Wales by the Celtic tribes of central Europe. They descended from the German Teckel lineage (which also gave us the Dachshund) and arrived in Wales in roughly 1200 BC.
As for the Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Pembrokes arrived in Wales with the Vikings and are descended from the Nordic Spitz breeds.

4. Corgis Pembroke always look like they’re smiling

It’s true. The way their mouth is open when agape it always looks like they’re smiling. And you know, most of the time, Chelsea is smiling inside because she is one of the happiest friendliest dogs I’ve ever met. The world could be crumbling but she’ll still be in a good mood. That is why I love her so much.
5. Cardigan vs. Pembroke: Physical Qualities
The acceptable coat colors are more varied for the Cardigan. They come in brindle, black and white with brindle or tan points, red and sable with white markings, and blue merle. The only coat colors for the Pembroke are red, sable, and tricolor with white markings. Cardigans are also less restricted in their white markings than the Pembroke.

6. Corgis LOVE food

Corgi is very food driven which is good and bad. I can get them to do just about anything for a rind of watermelon. But they also have been known to steal bagels, eat whole blog posts and have no shame in eating a mouldy bologna sandwich they find in the bushes. There is no harm in your dog enjoying good food, but you should know the boundaries.
7. Corgis and Canine IQ

In "The Intelligence of Dogs" published in 1994, Coren, psychology professor at the University of British Columbia, presented the results of a survey involving more than 200 professional dog obedience judges. Of 110 breeds ranked based on intelligence, the Pembroke Welsh corgi took 11th place; the Cardigan, which the FCI says possesses "almost human intelligence," came in 26th. While high intelligence and trainability often go hand-in-hand, please note, that a smart pooch can be more difficult to control than a dumber dog because bright dogs quickly learn how to manipulate their masters to their own advantage.
8. Corgis are bossy

9. Do you know what is Corgi “zoomies”?

Your Corgi engages in what is known as “frapping.”
Your dog may tire themself out running around in circles, dashing from room to room, also known as “frantic random acts of play” or more casually, “zoomies”. Is it important to let your dog have their "zoomies"? Yes, since the zoomies are a sign of being happy. It's not a bad thing, and it's a sign that your dog is enjoying life. You want them to be able to express their happiness.
10. A Corgi Cardigan is said to have a long lifespan, coming in at 18 years.

Corgis are considered small to medium-sized dogs, and they have a life expectancy of up to 15 years. Since Corgis don't get very big, they won't have to deal with many of the health issues that large dogs do. This helps add to their longevity.
P.S. The Queen Has Owned More Than 30 Royal Corgis Since 1945