The most important thing when it comes to health is a species-appropriate high-quality food, sufficient exercise, regular deworming and vaccination and of course a lot of love and attention. This means that Corgi is in mental and physical balance and is prepared for normal attacks on their body.
What you should pay attention to:
Eyes and ears. Care should be taken with hygiene and the first sign of illness should be checked by a vet.
Back. Corgi is short-legged and has fairly long back, so it's rare but the intervertebral disc problems could occur.
If you must lift your dog, keep his back straight. Some owners like to carry their pets. If you pick up your dog, you can minimize the risk by ensuring that you place one hand under his abdomen and one hand under the chest, keeping the spine straight.
Discourage jumping. Corgis are more suited to running than jumping. You should strongly discourage your puppy from jumping off and on any surfaces, regardless of whether they are hard or soft.

Is it true you have to carry them up and down stairs because of their long backs?
No, Corgi is a well-muscled dog, capable of navigating normal sized steps with ease. Corgi can easily walk up to the second or fourth floor without a lift. However, as puppies, they must be taught to use steps, starting with single steps and progressing to more steps as the puppy grows. Be especially careful with open staircases; some Corgis cannot resist the urge to jump!

Important rules for your little one:
- Don't walk up steep stairs
- Don't walk too much (especially downstairs)
- Do not jump or run up and down steps
- Hold the leash gently to prevent jumping up and down stairs.
Hip joints. Several factors lead to the development of hip dysplasia in dogs, beginning with genetic predisposition. Factors such as excessive growth rate, types of exercise, and improper weight and nutrition can magnify the predisposition.
There are some steps you can take to reduce your Corgi’s risk of developing this disease.
Feeding your puppy an appropriate diet will give them a head start on healthy bone and joint development.
As your dog grows, providing appropriate levels of exercise and a healthy diet will prevent obesity, which is a major contributing factor to hip dysplasia, so hold off on the table scraps and fatty foods.
Weight management. Obesity can be a significant health problem in Corgis. Excess weight places a great deal of strain on to the spine and consequently, the intervertebral discs. Therefore, weight management is one of the most important things that you, as a responsible Corgi owner, can do. If you aren’t sure how much your furry pal should be eating, consult with your breeder or vet who will be able to make an accurate recommendation.